Sunday, May 20, 2012


Yes, there is a thing called a wake-over. Its what other people call an all nighter, but I like the word wake over better. Ya know, since you don't sleep, its not a sleepover. Anyways, us girls stayed up for 36 hours. It was really hard. Here are some pictures of our wake over.

 a random video at like 4 in the morning :)
 We fit a bunch of us in a tunnel thingy

 Blind Makeovers :)

Skipping Study Hall

Yes, I admit it. I will skip a class every now and then. But what teenager doesn't? Anyways, Me and one of my best friends skipped study hall to curl my hair. She brought her wand to school, and in the first period class, we sat on the floor in the back curling my super long hair. Towards study hall, it started to go flat. So, we just skipped study hall to re-curl my hair :)
 We were laughing really hard about how ridiculous we are :)

 My REALLY long hair :)

Anyways, Sorry I haven't written in a very long time. I'm going to try and post more, and with more pictures so everyone can see the life of a teenage me :)