Sunday, May 20, 2012


Yes, there is a thing called a wake-over. Its what other people call an all nighter, but I like the word wake over better. Ya know, since you don't sleep, its not a sleepover. Anyways, us girls stayed up for 36 hours. It was really hard. Here are some pictures of our wake over.

 a random video at like 4 in the morning :)
 We fit a bunch of us in a tunnel thingy

 Blind Makeovers :)

Skipping Study Hall

Yes, I admit it. I will skip a class every now and then. But what teenager doesn't? Anyways, Me and one of my best friends skipped study hall to curl my hair. She brought her wand to school, and in the first period class, we sat on the floor in the back curling my super long hair. Towards study hall, it started to go flat. So, we just skipped study hall to re-curl my hair :)
 We were laughing really hard about how ridiculous we are :)

 My REALLY long hair :)

Anyways, Sorry I haven't written in a very long time. I'm going to try and post more, and with more pictures so everyone can see the life of a teenage me :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

March...(what day is it?)

Hola. Me gusta el pizza.... ya know, i've taken 5 years of spanish classes, and i still barely know how to speak it. Maybe if my teacher didn't sound like a freakin alarm clock i would pay attention.... ANYWAYS. Its like 1:47 am here, and i am not tired. I slept til 3:34pm today! wanna hear a funny story? (or read it... i guess) last night i had a dream that i woke up at 3:34 pm. i woke up from that dream at like 12, and thought "i hope that dosn't happen... nahhh ill just wake up at like 12 like normal. WRONG. i woke up at EXACTLY 3:34. This proves it. i'm psychic. oh yes. i should be in like x-men or being psychic mutant? hmm i don't know. but now i cant sleep so i am gonna be freaking tired tomorrow. I'm just watching one of my favorite youtube dudes right now. maybe you've heard of him? Destery Moore? well hes a freaking babe, and hes super funny. you should look him up. Just warning, he swears quite often. if your not a fan of that stuff. ouch my foots asleep :/ my bangs are really soft... I'm just sitting here petting them. I wonder what my mom would do if she walked in right now, seeing me petting my bangs, stomping my foot that's asleep, and watching Destery at 2 in the morning. I would probably get yelled at. I really should be getting to bed right now... I don't want to go to school tomorrow!! Dangit! i like just barely put on new nail polish and my nails already look like crap :( i always forget i have wet nail polish on and accidentally touch stuff and mess it up. lalalala i don't know what to write at the moment. My brain is kinda just able to focus on one thing at 2 am, so i accidentally started writing things that Destery said. I don't think you want to read about blaming the "Who took the cookie from the cookie jar" on skinny scrawny kids, but i guess you never know. <--- that's the link to the video :)WELL i'm going to try to go to bed. woah i just noticed that in one of my favorite songs, he yells "Guitar!" and it does the guitar solo... weird that i haven't noticed that before, cause i listen to this song volume ALL the way up, over and over and over :) Goodnight home...boy? girl? well goodnight home whatever sex you are. maybe your a plant and not a boy or girl. goodnight homeplant! wait. that doesnt work...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Music Video/Church stuff

So, the church my mom makes me go to has a general young women conference, and i was asked to sing in the choir. Of coarse, my mom made me sign up. Every Sunday i have gone for 2 1/2 hours to sing and listen to churchy stuff. tomorrow is out big practice, and we are being filmed for a church music video. The dress code is sooo strict, and i don't even get to stand my my friends. It's arranged by height, and i'm the shortest one of my friends. I don't want to go!!! I am missing out on spending time at my dads house. I have to get up super early to go also, so i'm sleeping at my moms house tonight. I live at my mom's, and go to my dad's house every Wednesday after school, and every other weekend. I would so rather be there! I left my sisters watching The Shining, one of my all time favorite horror movies. and i left so that i could pick out my clothes and get all ready... grrrrr! My friend always laughes when i growl like that... oh well. there's not really any other words sometimes other than GRRR! :) well, i am going to finish watching Ned's Declassifies School Survival Guide on Netflix, then go to bed. Goodnight!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Clean Funny Pics and Other Humor: Just be patient...

Clean Funny Pics and Other Humor: Just be patient...: Want to make me happy? Buy me a shirt that has this on it. But I need at least 7 of them - because I would wear it every day to every place...

Hello .....

Hiii.... *Joker's voice when hes in the hospital talking to Harvey Dent* You can call me Blacky. I am almost 15 years old, and it seems really old to me. I am only a nerd about two things. 1. MUSIC. I know LOTS and LOTS about music, of many different genres of music.My favorite is Post-Hardcore. 2. Celebrities. I am such a celebrity nerd. I know what every ones doing (creepy stalker me...) so yup, thats me. For those few people who are maybe reading this: i am going to describe what i look like, because no doubt by now your wondering "What does this funny wierdo nerdy chick look like?" FIRST. I am NOT a nerd! haha I go to a really nerdy charter school though... I don't fit in. I am 5'2", am 1/4 Costa Rican,and am pretty muscly. I play football, so my body isn't really the "girly" type. (skinny little girly girls with no muscles) Currently i am #3 on our "hotness" list at school, which, in my opinion, is one of THE STUPIDEST things. ever. It makes the girls who arent on it feel like crap, and the girls that are think theyre better than everyone else. (not me though!)but doesn't mean much since, once again, NERD SCHOOL. I am stereotyped as emo, slut, punk, daredevil, rocker, bad ass... ya know, I'm THAT girl. I have super duper long hair, down to my butt. I dye my hair quite alot, but at the moment, it is a dark red. I have BIG brown/red eyes. Yes, my eyes are naturally tinted red. And yes, it creeps some people out. Last year in my yearbook's hall of fame, I won "Most likely to be a celebrity/model", and this year i won "Daredevil". i guess that's pretty cool. I don't fit in though. I've been told im very intimidating, and kind of scary. Well, that's it for my first blog posting.