Monday, March 19, 2012

March...(what day is it?)

Hola. Me gusta el pizza.... ya know, i've taken 5 years of spanish classes, and i still barely know how to speak it. Maybe if my teacher didn't sound like a freakin alarm clock i would pay attention.... ANYWAYS. Its like 1:47 am here, and i am not tired. I slept til 3:34pm today! wanna hear a funny story? (or read it... i guess) last night i had a dream that i woke up at 3:34 pm. i woke up from that dream at like 12, and thought "i hope that dosn't happen... nahhh ill just wake up at like 12 like normal. WRONG. i woke up at EXACTLY 3:34. This proves it. i'm psychic. oh yes. i should be in like x-men or being psychic mutant? hmm i don't know. but now i cant sleep so i am gonna be freaking tired tomorrow. I'm just watching one of my favorite youtube dudes right now. maybe you've heard of him? Destery Moore? well hes a freaking babe, and hes super funny. you should look him up. Just warning, he swears quite often. if your not a fan of that stuff. ouch my foots asleep :/ my bangs are really soft... I'm just sitting here petting them. I wonder what my mom would do if she walked in right now, seeing me petting my bangs, stomping my foot that's asleep, and watching Destery at 2 in the morning. I would probably get yelled at. I really should be getting to bed right now... I don't want to go to school tomorrow!! Dangit! i like just barely put on new nail polish and my nails already look like crap :( i always forget i have wet nail polish on and accidentally touch stuff and mess it up. lalalala i don't know what to write at the moment. My brain is kinda just able to focus on one thing at 2 am, so i accidentally started writing things that Destery said. I don't think you want to read about blaming the "Who took the cookie from the cookie jar" on skinny scrawny kids, but i guess you never know. <--- that's the link to the video :)WELL i'm going to try to go to bed. woah i just noticed that in one of my favorite songs, he yells "Guitar!" and it does the guitar solo... weird that i haven't noticed that before, cause i listen to this song volume ALL the way up, over and over and over :) Goodnight home...boy? girl? well goodnight home whatever sex you are. maybe your a plant and not a boy or girl. goodnight homeplant! wait. that doesnt work...

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