Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hello .....

Hiii.... *Joker's voice when hes in the hospital talking to Harvey Dent* You can call me Blacky. I am almost 15 years old, and it seems really old to me. I am only a nerd about two things. 1. MUSIC. I know LOTS and LOTS about music, of many different genres of music.My favorite is Post-Hardcore. 2. Celebrities. I am such a celebrity nerd. I know what every ones doing (creepy stalker me...) so yup, thats me. For those few people who are maybe reading this: i am going to describe what i look like, because no doubt by now your wondering "What does this funny wierdo nerdy chick look like?" FIRST. I am NOT a nerd! haha I go to a really nerdy charter school though... I don't fit in. I am 5'2", am 1/4 Costa Rican,and am pretty muscly. I play football, so my body isn't really the "girly" type. (skinny little girly girls with no muscles) Currently i am #3 on our "hotness" list at school, which, in my opinion, is one of THE STUPIDEST things. ever. It makes the girls who arent on it feel like crap, and the girls that are think theyre better than everyone else. (not me though!)but doesn't mean much since, once again, NERD SCHOOL. I am stereotyped as emo, slut, punk, daredevil, rocker, bad ass... ya know, I'm THAT girl. I have super duper long hair, down to my butt. I dye my hair quite alot, but at the moment, it is a dark red. I have BIG brown/red eyes. Yes, my eyes are naturally tinted red. And yes, it creeps some people out. Last year in my yearbook's hall of fame, I won "Most likely to be a celebrity/model", and this year i won "Daredevil". i guess that's pretty cool. I don't fit in though. I've been told im very intimidating, and kind of scary. Well, that's it for my first blog posting.

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